The story

For as long as I can remember, I’ve tinkered with percussion sounds. The video of my first concert features metal cans taped to a cymbal stand.

When I turned pro, I realised that when I got a call to play with an artist, the first thing I thought was “How can I create this sound in a fun way”. As soon as a musician is expected to play a digitally sounding sound on stage, It’s often solved by triggering single-layer samples that don’t react to velocity at all, I don’t like that.

Why practice your whole life to trigger samples that doesn’t react to your mood of the day?

I wanted to create instruments that are just as playable as an acoustic instruments, but are able to sound just as modern and “produced” as something you’d hear on a contemporary pop album.

I like ideas, and I love to share them! When I had built the instruments for myself the thought popped into my head; “Why not build a company around these and make them available to everyone?”

Et Voilá, WTF Percussion was born.

/Axel Fagerberg